Spa from a Salad!
Take a look at the ingredients in your shampoo, soap, lotion, cosmetics. What did you find? Hmmmm.
This DIY spa is cheaper, it's fun, contains no weird chemicals or parabens, and is healthy for you and the environment. Hooray! Perhaps treat someone you know for mother's day. A spa day is also a fun activity to include in your gardening curriculum or with your Smart Girls Club. You can discuss beneficial uses of plant products, or compare the independence gained from controlling what materials you put in your body care products to growing your own food without herbicides or pesticides.
Cucumber Slices Eye Soother
-1 cucumber
Banana Face Mask
-1 banana
-1 tbsp honey
-1 egg whie -juice from an orange or a lemon
Preparation: Mix the banana, honey, and egg whites together. Add a few drops of juice from the orange or lemon. Le
Avocado Face Mask
Preparation: Mash the avocado with a fork until creamy. Add 1 tbsp of honey. Apply a thin layer of the face mask and allow it to set for 15 minutes before rinsing off. Avocados contain vegetable oil, helpful for dry skin care and honey reduces swelling, inflammation, and has antimicrobial properties.
Clay Face Mask
-1 bag cat litter (must be labeled as 100% Natural Clay)
-Drops of essential oil
Preparation:Mix a couple tablespoons of cat litter with water and drops of essential oil. Apply it your face and wait for the mask to harden. Rinse it off with water and a wash cloth. The clay cleans and tightens pores.
Ginger Mint Hand and Foot Scrub
-Freshly grated ginger root
-Chopped fresh mint leaves
-Olive oil
-Brown sugar
Preparation: Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl using 1/3 olive oil to 2/3 brown sugar. Use the scrub as a buff on dry hands and feet. Rinse with warm water. The oil helps skin retain moisture while the sugar exfoliates.
For more great DIY bath and body craft ideas check out this website:
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