Environmental Education Topic for April: Celebrating Green Clubs!
Many of our Clubs are demonstrating green practices for their kids, families, and communities.
This month in honor of Earth Day we are recognizing Clubs with outstanding projects and programs.
Kirkland's Earth Adventurers Club
Led by Americorps volunteer, Meagan Cooney, t

Bainbridge Island's Worm Bin

Bainbridge Island built a worm bin in the spring of 2009. Assisted by Program Director Sarah Reid's interest in invertebrates (she recently attended a class on backyard beekeeping) they are still using the worms to compost food scraps and guide activities.
Redmond's Garden
The Redmond Club began a garde

Rainier Vista and IslandWood

This spring three IslandWood graduate students are working with Rainier Vista Child Care Director, Tom Tidyman, to enhance R.V.'s recycling program and involve Club kids with a local community garden. Earlier this year, an IslandWood grad student assisted with environmental education program implementation and assessment with R.V.'s childcare and drop-in LEAP! program.

Wallingford Recycles
The Wallingford Club has a group of dedicated kids who learned all about recycling and waste management. Now they remind other Club kids and staff to dispose of waste properly and reduce what the Club sends to the landfill.
Mercer Island Goes Camping
Every other week during the summer Mercer
Shout Outs:
Mercer Island's Trash Pick-Up Day involving 50 kids and 5 staff
Chalee Johnson and Lis at Redmond's Smith site for their work on the Club's container garden
Elanya Delacruz's green activities with North Seattle's Torch Club
Debbie Campbell's work to start at garden at Federal Way
Bridget Powers, Adam Monda, Meagan Cooney, Joan Caldon, Chris Dunford, Quincy Robertson, members of North Seattle's Torch Club, and 8 UW MBA student volunteers for their work on the very successful 2010 Earth Works event at Gold Creek Lodge on April 2nd. Rainier Vista, Southwest, Mercer Island, Kirkland, Wallingford, Redmond, Federal Way, Rotary, North Seattle, and Ballard attended bringing 157 kids!
Thank You!
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