Environmental Education Topic for September:
Alternative Transportation

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to encourage families to use alternative transportation. Make taking the bus, biking, or walking a healthy habit. There are many resources in King County that can be useful for your Club's kids and families.
Taking the Bus

Alternative Transportation
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to encourage families to use alternative transportation. Make taking the bus, biking, or walking a healthy habit. There are many resources in King County that can be useful for your Club's kids and families.
Taking the Bus
- The King County transit site provides route information, schedules, and a trip planner
- One Bus Away and My Bus have phone numbers riders can call for bus location and arrival times
- Take the One Less Car Challenge! Sponsored by the city of Seattle, you can receive bus ticket vouchers and biking and walking gear by pledging not to use a car for a month (level 1) or a year (level 2).
- Bike Smart Seattle and the Cascade bicycle club education foundation have information on all you need to know: maps, traffic tips, safety information for parents in English and Spanish, and commuting
- Is Your Child Ready? contains safety information and tips for age appropriate bicycle riding
- Request a bicycle donation for a Club member from Bike Works
- The Bike Smart Seattle Calendar of Events highlights four bike helmet sale events in September. Spread the word! $10.00 a helmet!
- Check out Seattle's FeetFirst site for walking maps, trail projects, and safe routes to school
- KidsWalk-to-School Resource Guide provides information on implementing a walking program and encouraging healthy outdoor exercise
- Participate in Park(ing) Day on September 18th! Transform a parking spot into a park. In 2008 Seattle hosted 32 park(ing) spaces. Sign up and register on the Park(ing) Day website.
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